Groups are organised and arranged by members according to their interests. Groups need not be led by an expert. Many groups share the experiences and knowledge of group members following the U3A principle that 'Those who Learn shall also Teach and those who Teach shall also Learn'
Please contact Tricia M if you have any information or news about your Groups or anything else to go in the next members' newsletter. Also please make sure you contact Maggie J so that any changes to groups can be updated.
If you have photos of your activities, Maggie would be very glad to have them for the website
Please access Verulam group News for more information.
Timetable Summary
Day MorningAfternoon / Evening MondayArt French 1 The Art group Ukulele Book Club 2 Cryptic Crossword Compilers Grumpy Old men Spanish Intermediate Yoga TuesdayFamily History Bits and Bytes Computer Group Pilates 1 WednesdayCurrent Affairs Local History 1 Play Reading 1 Walks up to 3 Miles Welsh Improvers Mah Jong 1 Social History-changing times Tai Chi ThursdayApple Mac Computing History General 2 Natural History Photography Walking Football Welsh conversation Welsh Intermediate Book Club 1 Creative writing Mah Jong 2 Scrabble FridayCrime fiction Snooker Ancient history History General 1 Table Tennis