AGM & New Commitee Members

Hi All,

We are fast approaching the next AGM when most of the committee will have to step down after serving more than the three-year term specified in the constitution.
It is very important to note, that without a full committee, Verulam u3a will have to cease and will be wound up!

The Committee Members that will be needed to be voted in by the November AGM are:

And a minimum of six additional members.

I must point out, that being a member of the committee will only normally involve no more than attending a two hour monthly meeting or even bi-monthly. Your involvement depends on what you are happy to do.

I urge you to consider joining the committee. In particular, if you feel you would enjoy being the chairman or are interested in being the secretary please come forward. As you may have seen in my emails over the past year asking you to be a visitor to a committee meeting, just to see that it is not a daunting experience and can also be enjoyable. So please contact me if you have the slightest feeling that you can help to maintain Verulam u3a as the thriving organisation it is today. Remember, if you can smile and enjoy yourself, you are qualified to be proposed as a committee member.

I shall keep you up to date on the details relating to our AGM in the coming months.

Please, help us to help your u3a.


Eyes on Spies Walking Tour

Paul Barwick gave an excellent talk recently on the Assasination of Alexander Litvinenko and as he mentioned at the end of his talk, offers a 2 1/2 hour walking tour 'Eyes on the Spies' in the St James area of Central London.
It focuses on the locations of infamous incidents and intriguing characters. The length of the tour is just under 3 miles and will include the HQ of MI6. The cost is £20 plus your train ticket to and from London and 2 short tube journeys.
If you are interested please contact Brian Songhurst.

Groups Update

Despite all the restrictions some groups are still able to carry on or are making future plans. Christine’s French Group is having meetings using Zoom and Rick is planning a new Cribbage group, due to start at the end of lockdown. Have a look also at the list of On-line Productions!

Although groups aren’t able to function in the normal way during this time of lockdown, some members have have found alternative ways of meeting via Skype and Zoom. The language groups are being innovative. French group 2 are sending each other cross words and puzzles to solve. The Welsh groups are meeting via Zoom. There have been several virtual visits to art galleries and exhibitions by members of the Museums and Galleries group. Crib and Natter aren’t playing Crib at present but I believe there is plenty of Natter! Apparently the Photography group are sharing photos using a system called Cluster. These are just a few examples of how groups are coping.
There are members who do not have the benefit of computers but group leaders are keeping in touch with them by phone. It’s so important that we remain in touch with each other.
Unfortunately the newly formed Bowls group has had to delay its start, but when things open up again they still have a spare places. Expert tuition will be available and the use of the excellent facilities at the Townsend Bowling Club. If you would like to give it a try please contact Gordon Clapworthy.
Thank you to all those of you who sent in updates. Let’s hope it won’t be too long before we can all get together again.

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On-Line Productions


The Royal Albert Hall:

Globe Theatre:

National Theatre:

The Other Palace: ( Myth the musical)

Chichester Festival Theatre:

The Curve Theatre: What the Butler Saw: recording-of-joe-ortons-what-the-butler-saw/

The Royal Opera House: programme-of-free-online-content-for-the-culturally-curious-at-home